September has brought us two fun birthdays. On September 20th it was Christian's 3rd birthdy and on September 26th it was Maggie's 1st birthday! The time goes by soo fast. For Christian's birthday we went out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants - The Ligthhouse Crab - with my sister Chris who was visiting from Michigan. We came home and had cake, ice cream, and opened presents.
For Maggie's birthday we had two parties. We had a small party in the late afternoon with a few girls I worked with at Friday's. Then after dinner we had some of our friends and their kids over for more cake, ice cream, and presents. We had soo much fun celebrating this month and enjoying all the changes in our kids over the past year.
Christian has gotten soo big and has begun to talk so well. He went from being a little guy to a big boy! He is oo sweet and will hug anone who he sees. He is just starting the potty training process and he loves playing with his big brothers. Maggie has changed by leaps and bounds as all babys do in their first year of life. She loves to walk and run, if she can, everywhere and be in everyone's business. She is adorable and at the same time she is too much like me - haha! We are grateful for these two blessings that were given to us in Spetmeber.