Happy Birthday Ignatius. It is soo hard to believe that Nate is five already!! He was born on a Sunday and has always been such a sweet boy.
He is always cuddling with us and tries so hard to be good. This year was his first year playing t-ball. He is anxious to start kindergarten with me in the Fall.
Hope you have a great birthday Nate! We love you:)
The other day Maggie decided she was ready to go! She brought her bathing suit and diapers out of her room, hung them on her arms, and got ready to leave. What more could a girl need?
She was so darn cute walking through the house saying "Bye" "Bye". she even tried to go out the front door which she can now open!! Good thing I locked it:)
I am a busy mom of 8 beautiful children. We spend a lot of time homeschooling, playing baseball - among other sports, and hanging out with our family and friends. I like to talk with others, read, and just hang out. In my spare time -haha - I like to just sit down and relax wth a good book. My children and husband are my joy and my delight! I thank God everyday for the family He has blessed us with. He is truly faithful and good to those who serve Him.