Saturday, December 08, 2007

Remember With Me...

Today is one year since my D & C with Ambrose. This year has gone by so fast and yet I have cried many times over the loss of our precious Ambrose and our two other babies . It has been hard, but it is comforting knowing my babies are in heaven.

I remember so clearly going to my in-laws for Thanksgiving a year ago and telling everyone we were having a baby; a week later going to the doctor and there seeing my perfect little one with no heart beat. Crying all day and knowing that I was going to have a D & C 4 days later. Going in and wishing it wasn't true but knowing that I saw with my own eyes that there was no heartbeat and knowing it before they even told me. Feeling so much pain and being so sick after the surgery - two hours to come to - being sick for hours afterwards. The phone call the next morning from my doctor telling me that I had lost a lot of blood because the baby was not 12 weeks as we had thought but 4 weeks further - 16 weeks. Crying and crying with my hubby and kids. Feeling all those postpartum things but with no baby to hold and love....

Please pray for us today and remember with us.


Ruth said...

I'm so sorry, Mary. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Ruth

Sharon said...

Dear Mary,
I am remembering with you. (((hugs)))
I know it is such a hard pain to suffer. Reading this just made me cry with you. To find out after, too, that your baby was 16 weeks along...I am sure that was very hard to hear.

It is so good to remember. And I hope you know, you most certainly are not alone in remembering your babies in heaven.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you mary.