Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Everything is breaking!!!

Why does it seem that everything falls apart all at once?

Mike just got his car fixed - again!. the joys of an old car. My dishwasher has been on the fritz for a while. It does not get the dishes all the way clean and so I do most of them by hand - Oh yea! Our van has been without air conditioning for 6 months now and it is getting to the point where I cannot go anywhere because my car is over 100 degrees with only a little breeze coming in. Now it is my washing machine. It has been a week now and am I ever behind on laundry. The repair guy came today and tells me he will let me know in a couple of days what they are going to do. Apparently the barrell, shocks, etc are all worn and not in working order- I have a front loader - and that is why the drum is hanging down. He says it is a three hour job to do the repairs so he is going to try and get them just to replace the machine. I must say I would rather have them replace the machine but I hope they hurry up. We leave for Michigan in 6 days and I NEED to do my laundry!!! Pray for my sanity and that nothing else breaks down.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'll be praying. I'm so sorry. I wish I was there to help.

Anonymous said...

Guess what! My 2 year old washing mashine broke last night, and my van is leaking coolant. : (