Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Announcing the arrival of Matthew John Watson
I went into my doctor that morning and was dilated to 3 and about 80% thinned out. My doctor stripped my membranes and sent me to walk. Since that didn't start full labor he induced me later that day. It was such a blessing becasue if I didn't have Matthew that day Austin would not have been able to be there.
I went in at about 3:30 and they started the pitosin at 4:00. After the contractions became regular I got my epidural and Doctor Fleming broke my water. Mathew was born at 8:57pm after 6 minutes of pushing. All went so well an we feel so blessed.
Everyone is adjusting very well to his arrival in the family. I will post more soon.
pics are of The family with Matthew John; Matthew John; my Dad with him and my Mom with him; Austin with him and me with Austin and Matthew
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Hockey Fun

Here are some pictures of us in our jerseys enjoying Ausitn playing hockey. Go Spitfires!!!
The Pumpkin Patch - 3 weeks ago
About 3 weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch in search of pumpkins and the yummy cider and homemade donuts you only find around these parts during the fall:)
We really had a great time.
Friends recommended this farm and it was lots of fun. There was a general store, cider, donuts, a hayride, a corn maze, and of course the pumpkin patch.
It was a beautiful sunny day and we went right after church. After taking pictures we headed out to the pumpkin patch on the hayride. After choosing our pumpkins the older kids went through the corn maze. It was big one and you had to find 3 cedar trees and mark them off of the map they gave you. The kids had soo much fun. After the corn maze we took the hayride back to the front where we enjoyed fresh donuts and cider.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Me & My First Baby meme
Me & My First Baby Meme
1. Were you married at the time? No
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? I must admit I was pretty scared on a lot of levels. I was young, single and nervous.
3. How old were you? 20
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I wasn't feeling well and was realizing that I was probably pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive.
5. Who did you tell first? My Dearest friend Heidi
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Absolutely:)
7. Due due: January 12, 1992.
8. Did you deliver early or late? I started labor on my due date but he was born the next day - so 1 day late
9. Did you have morning sickness? Yes - I threw up every morning and I had terrible migraines but they stopped at about the 12 week mark
10. What did you crave? sweets
11. Who irritated you the most? it depended on the day - lol
12. What was your first child's sex? Male.
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I think about 32
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? None thank goodness
15. Where did you give birth? At St. Joe's in A2 Mich.
16. How many hours were you in labor? 12 hours from start to finish
17. Who drove you to the hospital? My Mom and sister Chris
18. Who watched? My Mom and Sister Chris
19. Was it vaginal or c-section? Vaginal.
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? None
21. How much did your child weigh? 7 lbs 12 oz
22. What did you name him/her? Austin Michael
23. How old is your first born today? 16 1/2 - hard to believe - he is such a blessing and I would not trade him for anything in the whole world.
I am tagging -
Justine -Justinspired
Katie - Redheadmama
Lynne - A view from the inside
Bridget - Our Magnum Opus
1. Were you married at the time? No
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? I must admit I was pretty scared on a lot of levels. I was young, single and nervous.
3. How old were you? 20
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I wasn't feeling well and was realizing that I was probably pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive.
5. Who did you tell first? My Dearest friend Heidi
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Absolutely:)
7. Due due: January 12, 1992.
8. Did you deliver early or late? I started labor on my due date but he was born the next day - so 1 day late
9. Did you have morning sickness? Yes - I threw up every morning and I had terrible migraines but they stopped at about the 12 week mark
10. What did you crave? sweets
11. Who irritated you the most? it depended on the day - lol
12. What was your first child's sex? Male.
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I think about 32
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? None thank goodness
15. Where did you give birth? At St. Joe's in A2 Mich.
16. How many hours were you in labor? 12 hours from start to finish
17. Who drove you to the hospital? My Mom and sister Chris
18. Who watched? My Mom and Sister Chris
19. Was it vaginal or c-section? Vaginal.
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? None
21. How much did your child weigh? 7 lbs 12 oz
22. What did you name him/her? Austin Michael
23. How old is your first born today? 16 1/2 - hard to believe - he is such a blessing and I would not trade him for anything in the whole world.
I am tagging -
Justine -Justinspired
Katie - Redheadmama
Lynne - A view from the inside
Bridget - Our Magnum Opus
Windsor @ London [26-09-2008]
Here is the video of Austin's goal last night. It is at about the 4:10 mark in the video.
He is now #1 in pints for all the rookies in the OHL and #7 in points of all the players in the OHL.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Christian and Maggie
The kids had a great birthday. We love them dearly and can't believe how big they are:) We had tacos, watched football, ate cake and ice cream and enjoyed watching them open gifts.
Unfortunately, Christian has poison ivy and it was really bad so we had to go to the Urgent Care after the party. Good thing we did because it was badly infected as you can see from his legs in this picture. Thanks to all the meds he is much better now:)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Windsor @ Sarnia [19-09-2008]
Hey all - enjoy the video of Austin's OHL goal . He scored it against Sarnia. He is loving the OHL and doing great. The goal is at about a minute 40 in the video. He is number 61 and the announcer keeps you posted also.
Monday, September 08, 2008
31 Weeks Down - 9 To Go!!
Here I am in all my glory:) I am feeling fine and baby is very active. The kids love to feel and see the baby move. I must say that I do feel HUGE!!! I can't wait to see our little one and find out if it is a boy or girl.
FYI - for names we have picked out Matthew Thomas or MaryGrace Corinne. I will keep you all posted:)
Ist day of school
So far they are really enjoying school. it has been an adjustment getting up at 6:00am every morning so I can get them to school on time. There are no buses to their school. hey are also adjusting to homework after school. Other than that they like it a lot and Mike and I are pleased with the school. It has been such a blessing to have people we already know at the schoool.
As time goes on I will keep you all updated. Also Kolbe and Nate are not in yet so I am home schooling them for the time being.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sending Kids to School This Year
Well we have decided to stop homeschooling at this point and put the kids into school. Here in Michigan we have found a great charter school to send them to. So far Mikey and RJ are in and the other 3 boys are at the top of their waiting lists.
I must say that I am very glad and sad at the same time. I knew that I could not do it right now. With 5 to school, two under 5 at home, and a new baby coming I felt like it was impossible. I know it is not as many of my dear friends do it, but my temperament couldn't handle it. the boys are getting behind, they want to go to school, and I am feeling very overwhelmed and unable to handle the load of school work, housework, and life in general. I must say too that I want to sit back and enjoy this baby with no pressure to get back to school.
On the other hand we loved the freedom homeschooling allowed us. We were getting into a nice rhythm. It is also a sacrifice to send them and entrust them to someone else. I am nervous about how they will do but at the same time I know I have great kids with a strong faith and a great parish that provides excellent formation for the kids.
I will surely keep everyone updated on our adventures this year and God Bless you all during this school year whether at home or school.
I must say that I am very glad and sad at the same time. I knew that I could not do it right now. With 5 to school, two under 5 at home, and a new baby coming I felt like it was impossible. I know it is not as many of my dear friends do it, but my temperament couldn't handle it. the boys are getting behind, they want to go to school, and I am feeling very overwhelmed and unable to handle the load of school work, housework, and life in general. I must say too that I want to sit back and enjoy this baby with no pressure to get back to school.
On the other hand we loved the freedom homeschooling allowed us. We were getting into a nice rhythm. It is also a sacrifice to send them and entrust them to someone else. I am nervous about how they will do but at the same time I know I have great kids with a strong faith and a great parish that provides excellent formation for the kids.
I will surely keep everyone updated on our adventures this year and God Bless you all during this school year whether at home or school.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Family Together Again
Sunday My parents and my siblings were all together again. It was sooo great to just relax and hang out at my parents with everyone. It was just like old times again when we would do this at least every other Sunday!
The pics are :
#1 - Jenny, Matt, Me and Chris
#2 - Back Row: RJ, Maggie, Kolbe, my Nephew Jake, & Ben
Front Row - Mikey, Christian, and Nate
#3 - My siblings and I with my Mom and Dad
#4 - All of us with my hubby Mike and Brother-in-law John.
#5 - The girls - Mom, Chris, Jenny and I
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