I have been nominated not once but twice for this wonderful Nice Matters Award. This is what the award is about -
“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass on to seven others whom you feel are deserving of this award."
So I am now going to nominate seven other deserving bloggers for this award and I humbly thank those two ladies who thought enough of me to nominate me for this award.
Here are my seven bloggers:
Lynne -from A View From the Inside - http://lynne-aviewfromtheinside.blogspot.com/ - Lynne is such an inspiration. She homeschools, works, and still finds time to take care of herself by working out. She is tireless and is a good friend whom I am privileged enough to know in person as well as on the web. She definitely fits the bill for this award.
Sharon - From The Bird's Nest - http://www.nesthome.blogspot.com/ - Sharon is such a good mother. I love her thought provoking posts and how her love for her family shines through her writing. I am also inspired by her faith and her weight loss quest through Weight Watchers. I enjoy her and her blog. I am privileged enough to know her through a coupe of venues and I am hoping to meet her in person someday soon.
Justine - From Justinespired -http://www.justinespired.blogspot.com/ - Justine is just a wonderful woman and a phenomenal writer. I love reading her posts which are equally inspiring and entertaining. I am also inspired by her deep faith. She has such a zest for life that shows through her writing.
Ruth - From Just Another Day In paradise - http://thetuckerbunch.typepad.com/ - Ruth is one of the kindest, sweetest people I know. I met her online and have had the great privilege of talking to her on the phone. She is so inspiring and has a very deep prayer life. Her prayers have kept me going for almost a year now. She is very insightful and ha a deep trust in the Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints.
Katie - From Redheadmama - http://redheadmama.blogspot.com/ - Katie is joyful. She is always smiling and she is a very busy Mama. She volunteers and gets involved in her kids activities. She also helps out at church. Katie is always thinking of others and reaching out to them. Her blog is just a peek into the wonderful woman she is.
Bridget - From Our Magnum Opus - http:///www.ourmagnumopus.com/ - Bridget is one amazing woman. I know her in "real life" as well as being able to stay connected through an online community. Bridget personifies Christ and the virtues of a holy woman of God. I feel so blessed to know her. Her blog is inspiring and so is her lifestyle and that of her family.
These are the women whom I feel I know well enough to nominate for this award. Each of you is truly special to me and I am so thankful to have you all as part of my life in some way, shape, or form.
Thank you so much, Mary. You definately deserve this nice award. I feel so blessed to know you. I pray that someday we will get a chance to meet in person. You have a beautiful family. God bless you.
Thank you! You're so sweet. :)
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